Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Travails of the mind

There are many feelings which cannot be expressed in words. But i am trying to get as close to it as possible, just to get a better understanding, i meant better and not complete. When one is elated at a point of time, for no reason that the mind can resonably deduce, there comes a sudden lull; a blankness, which cannot be described , as in a TV screen which does not get any cable input and only raw noise. Its like a transition stage and it waits for a catalyst, one which satisfies the selective permeability to change the mental status from blankness only to worse and nothing else. 'Worse' may not be a good choice, but I meant a state where the mind comes out of blankness and lets the initiators of the 'unwanted' feelings enter. Some action somewhere, of someone or something , remotely known who has not been on touch and has effecively been an inert element to this mind, causes this drastic and dramatic change. The mind begins to work overtime , conjuring up images it knows it hates to see, which , might be completely improbable, but remotely possible, which is the driving force for this very generation. Thats the point when the conscious self loses control and surrenders to the automatic clockwork inside. The body and the senses are at high alert state and are extremely vulnerable to any outside acitivity. Yet , like the common cold, it cures itself faster if left undisturbed. The senses slowly return to normal and the mind gains control. Its more predictable if that mind is yours, you know what is coming next but cant stop it, at your current state, save you have conquered your self.
" Why do ask me what will I do when you already know what I would choose?? "
- Neo to the Oracle


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