Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Blogging? Me? Yes or No?

Well, after my initial spurt of blogs, I have again ran out of events/views/opinions to write any further blogs.. or haven't I? If I havent, why didnt I put them down?.. Not writing a blog for so long has actually made me think of the reason,and I actually end up writing one finally! I am still unable to pin point the exact cause for my 'nonchalance'(NC).. But I can say for sure that one factor never dominated this result. There were very many pf those who ensured in their every little way to prevent what i felt to be put down on the computer screen. Blogging is viewed as the outcome of the 'freaking-out' of the mind, but how many of us write blogs which we dont want others to read? we all would like it to be read (how of many of you actually read this is another issue altogether!) and given a feedback. But blogs are NOT a virtual diary. A person generally does not put down incidents or instances which might be of great interest,and considerably appreciated by others, but that would preferred to kept private. Thats a major factor for my 'NC'( I am using it within quotes as it highly subjective).Well, whats the use of writing a blog which is not going to be recognised, no feedback given and just for the blogger himself to look back? My blogs were initially those which would mean great importance only to myself, but I too veered into the 'conventional blogger style'. Blogging needs to be redefined, so do my 'blogs'.


Blogger Sujeet said...

No,you must feel happy about being given a place to shout-not necessarily in the fond hope that people have to notice it.
And anyways, there are Angel Scrappers like me whole will barge in uninvited to comment!!

May 16, 2006  
Blogger S said...

Acknowledgement might be the effect of a 'desirable' blog.. which may not be the true self. .and to get noticed in this ocean of blogs requires something out of the box, but not necessarily out of the heart..

May 16, 2006  

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